
Thursday, November 24, 2005

Technology: blog, vlog and visual learners

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In the video you see how my daughter (and a friend) have learned how to read and write the word HUT. In school they use a method which includes a sign for each letter to accomodate for the visual learners amongst the children (I guess). This was not the case when I learned how to read and write (I learned it nevertheless). I can see the use of vlogs or video podcasts to accomodate for visual learners (and even illiterate people?). Just yesterday a colleague mentioned that it makes such a difference in workshops at all levels if you have visual materials (talking about Burkina Faso). I wonder how if there are example of CoPs who used it to support their learning processes?


  1. Wow, love it! I am such a visual learner that I wish I had that in school. What a great idea! Which one is your daughter?

  2. My daughter is the blond one (apparently no ressemblance to me??)
