
Thursday, July 05, 2007 for development

By recommendation from Jay Dedman I moved from Youtube to to host my videos (almost forgot I started with castpost). I thought blip had roughly the same features as youtube, but I liked the fact that when you embed videos, you don't have a large triangle and YOUTUBE on your video. Just looks better with

But yesterday I discovered an important reason why is better for use in a development context. Namely, it is very hard to download videos from youtube! It's quite easy from This feature is helpful if you want to put the video on a server or on a CDrom to play it back to an audience with unreliable or low bandwidth connectivity. Though it is not impossible on youtube, it is not as easy as on


  1. Sounds great! Any ideas what the reason for this might be? If the video's they're servicing are the same, then it's possibly a matter of streaming speed, webserver capacity, mirror servers hosted locally/regionally...? Ideas anyone?
    I wonder if it's a matter of, if blip tv becomes as popular as YouTube, it might not perform as well anymore either. If so let's keep this a public secret. :>

  2. Oh wait, I misunderstood 'download'! :>
    That is definetly a nice feature!

  3. Hiya, yes, its the download feature which is absent in youtube.. I think this is interesting in design for broadband- not for southern contexts- I do believe there is lots of scope of customized design for the south, but in the meantime we can also screen what of the other stuff works..
