
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Technology: turning a blog into a vlog test

I tried to upload a video to turn my blog into a vlog... using the freevlog tutorial. Though the tutorial is fun and every step explained in detail with a video it did not work. The uploading of the video in for storing purpose did not work (empty screen). After trying all kind of things I gave up (frustrated) and asked Beth who pointed out a list by techcrunch with sites where you can store videos. Then I used castpost which worked like a miracle and with a few clicks.. (see next posting) Where would I be without Beth? (not in blogosphere at least..)

1 comment:

  1. Where would I be without you! I've had on my to-do list to check out those other options and now I know to go to right this one.

    I love your vlogging. Keep it up!

    I just posted a Thanksgiving vlog post -- from Harry's class. So, you can get a peek at what they do in US classrooms.
