
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Five things meme in pictures

The bloggers meme 'five things' has been going around for a long time now. People who are tagged have to tell 5 things about themselves that people do not know yet and then tag 5 others. Nancy White tagged me in December. And today I discoverd the knowledge cafe people tagged me too. They call it 'tikkertje spelen' online. (playing catch) with the aim of getting more personal stories on blogs.

Since my blog is about communities of practice and not about myself, I'm not so fond of the question of this meme, but it would be exciting to start a meme with an interesting content question about CoPs for instance. Will think about that. Since I didn't know what to say about myself, I thought about posting 5 pictures people have not seen and that stimulated me to go through my pictures, which was fun. I chose some pictures that will give me hopefully a tougher image after all this soft talk about communities of practice :).

The first is me and a crocodile (alive!) in Burkina Faso. The second me and my motor-bike in Kenya.

The third is the 'woonwagen' I lived in when I studied. The woonwagen was in Heteren, we didn't have a gass connection and no central heating. In the winter, the area around the woonwagen used to be flooded about once or twice in the winter season and then we had to use a small boat to get to your bicycle on the dike. (a real Dutch story :).

The fourth is a picture of me and my bigger sister. Since it is on ice, you can imagine how OLD I really am...

The last is a picture of Hamidoun and his family, our neighbours in Mali. We lost touch with Hamidoun Traore (he's from Awaki) so who knows we can trace him via the internet. In 2002 we tried to find him, but he had just left his job with Africare.

I forgot to tag 5 other people which is getting harder as so many people have been tagged: Emmanuel K. Bensah (see if we can get it to Ghana), John Smith, Sarah Cummings, Dorine Ruter (see if we can revive her blog), and Beverly Trayner (she was tagged by Nancy too but either didn't see it or chose to ignore it...)


  1. Lovely pics! I'll try and do mine with pics too. I'm a bit slow ... but I get there in the end :-)

  2. I'll second the "Lovely pics!" - I loved seeing them, Joitske, and they helped me see another slice of who you are! Thanks.

  3. I knew you had an adventurous life so far, but those pictures are pretty impressive! Love the story about the trailer.

    And thanks for tagging me, I guess... ;) I picked up the glove. Here's the post.

  4. Joitske!! Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar! I could have sworn I commented on your blog!:-( sorry...

    I think what I had said was that I truly appreciate being tagged, and what I'd like to do would be to find some of my pictures from Brussels--the flattering, and not-so-flattering;-))

    hope alles gaat goed??

  5. Hi Emmanuel, looking forward to your Brussels pictures, gelukkig nieuwjaar to you to!
