
Friday, January 05, 2007

Technology: nownow for all your questions

Via Bieslog I found nownow by Amazon. You can ask any question and it will be answered by 3 people who are good in searching the web. The last question was: What religion are the ethiopians who are currently fighting with the somalians?

And part of the answer:
Ethiopia is a predominately Coptic Christian nation whereas Somalia is Muslim
"Ethiopia is a predominately Coptic Christian nation whereas Somalia is Muslim. They have had hostilities before over their religion in past conflicts.
But it isn't the US waging a Crusade or anything... Think of it more like Serbs against Bosnian Muslims. It is kind of ethnic and religion tensions there."

As far as I remember quite a substantial part of Ethiopians are muslims too by the way! So in this example, the answer is not really impressive...

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